Qualitätsmanagement Automatische BildverarbeitungAutomatische Bildverarbeitung Qualitätssicherung
Qualitätsmanagement Automatische BildverarbeitungAutomatische Bildverarbeitung Qualitätssicherung
Beratung Training ISO QualitätsmanagementBeratung Training ISO Qualitätsmanagement

Consulting & Training


The federal and state governments in Thuringia and Saxony support research and development of products, services, processes and offer programmes for personnel qualification.

Our offer

We consult you in the fields of quality assurance, measuring and inspection technology, image processing, lighting technology, software for industry and production as well as for the automation of measuring and testing processes and statistical methods for quality assurance.

Counselling content:

Based on our many years of practical experience in research or industrial projects, we can provide you with the best recommendations related to quality management and industrial image processing.

We will discuss with you whether and which funding options are available for the solution of your planned project. 

We consult you on the selection of a current funding program from the BMBF, BMWi, AIF, DLR, BAFA and the Thuringian and Saxon Aufbaubank that is suitable for you. 

The easiest way is to call us or write us a message.  We will provide you with the right information quickly and easily, saving you extensive research.

Consulting services:

  • Market strategy objective of the planned funding project Concept
  • Advice on suitable collaborative partners (SMEs and research institutions)
  • Support in formulating the content of the application/GAP analysis
  • Support with formalities and with filling out the relevant funding portals and forms
  • Advice on calculating and applying for the costs of the research project
  • Advice on the implementation of the project - work plan and work packages
  • Advice on the conclusion and accounting of funding projects

Your funding opportunities

Our consulting services can be subsidised through funding. Our consultants are accredited consultants of RKW Thuringia and RKW Saxony and have been working successfully with these institutions for several years. We consult  you on the selection of a current funding program from the BMBF, BMWi, AIF, DLR, BAFA and the Thuringian and Saxon Aufbaubank that is suitable for you. 

Qualifications of the consultants

You will be supervised exclusively by counsellors with practical experience who have completed a thorough and in-depth training at the following institutions:

  • TU Ilmenau
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • St. Petersburg ITMO University
  • Bauhaus University Weimar
  • Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences
  • TÜV
  • DGQ
  • IHK
  • Employer's Liability Insurance Association

Our expertise

Our competent and experienced advisors have many years of experience in advising on subsidies and have also successfully applied for, implemented and accompanied their own subsidy projects.



+49 (0) 36 77 · 46 90 59 10

Qualitätsicherung Prüfprozess Beratung Forschung


Qualitätssicherung und

 Bildverarbeitung GmbH


Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 9

D-98693 Ilmenau

Phone    +49 (0) 36 77 · 46 90 59 10

Fax          +49 (0) 36 77 · 46 90 59 11

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